At Lewis Critchley Architects we understand the importance of good interior design for our well being and mental health –

Layouts that Flow
Picture a room where furniture is arranged seamlessly, allowing for easy movement and accessibility. This isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about promoting a sense of ease and comfort. A well-thought-out layout, orchestrated by your interior designer, can contribute to reduced mental clutter and an overall sense of tranquillity.
Natural Light
There’s something magical about natural light, An adept interior designer knows how to harness this magic, ensuring that your space is flooded with sunlight. Natural light not only makes a room feel more expansive but also has proven benefits for mood and sleep. It’s the key to a brighter, more positive atmosphere.
Artificial Lighting with Intent
When the sun sets, the right artificial lighting takes centre stage. Your interior designer can craft a lighting plan that not only illuminates your space effectively but also sets the mood. From task lighting for productivity to ambient lighting for relaxation, each element is carefully considered to contribute to your overall well-being.
Bringing the Outdoors In
Nature has an undeniable effect on our well-being, and a skilled interior designer understands this. Biophilic design, a concept embracing the connection between humans and nature, brings the outdoors into your living space. From potted plants to natural materials, these elements not only add visual appeal but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment.
A Breath of Fresh Air
Indoor air quality is a crucial factor in well-being. Your interior designer can guide you in selecting materials that promote better air circulation and recommend strategies to improve ventilation. Breathing in fresh air, even indoors, contributes to a healthier respiratory system and an overall sense of vitality.
A Haven for Reflection
Your home should be your sanctuary, a place where you can unwind and recharge. An interior designer can help you create personalized spaces that cater to your mental wellness. Whether it’s a cozy reading nook or a meditation corner, these intentional spaces within your home can become essential tools in managing stress and promoting mental clarity.
Decluttering for Serenity
A cluttered space often leads to a cluttered mind. Your interior designer can assist you in decluttering and organizing your space, creating an environment that promotes serenity and mental well-being. From smart storage solutions to minimalist design principles, the goal is to achieve a balance that fosters a sense of calm.